Bio Cleanse and Bio Slim
Consumer Report


I read the small print when I ordered the free samples of Biocleanse and Bioslim. It stated that I had eighteen (18) days from my order date to cancel the AUTOMATIC continuing supplies for which I would have been billed about $200 a month. Today is day fourteen (14), so I checked the website because I still haven't received the free samples. I noticed all the complaints about this company, so I immediately phoned them and cancelled any future orders. I was told I would receive a confirmation email. That hasn't happened yet, and I called them 8 hours ago. I am about to cancel my Visacard in order to block this company from drawing on it. I have made a note on this blog in order to thank all those folks who have been ripped off and then written on this site in order to save others from the same fate. All power to the consumer. Annaisse, from Australia

Company: Bio Cleanse and Bio Slim
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Chandler
ZIP: 85244
Address: 101 North Colorado Street, #937
Phone: 8885343591
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