Appalachian federal credit union
Ad buissness


I was in the process of selling a rental property and, while in the procedure of selling the loan officer told me that since, it was tide up in the closing they said my annual payment was closed. They drug it out for 3 months on the closing. Then by the end of the closing the buyers got discusted, and said forget it and then they decided they had messed up not getting the pmts and tacked it onto my credit. They have destroyed my credit. And now i have recently found out what i have paid on it for 6 years has just went to them. And they have me set up on a 77 year pmt. Who in the world as ever heard of a 77 year mortage loan. This so riduculas and they have no intention of fixing this there wonting me to forclose on it and they can sell it again and keep what ive paid on it. So dont ever get a loan with them unless you wont your credit destroyed and, be a really old man before you get it paid for if you live that long.

Company: Appalachian federal credit union
Country: USA
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ABN AMRO Mortgage Group La Salle Bank N.A., Standard Federal Bank
Attempted forclosure/forced insurance/never a missed payment!

CTX Mortgage
Set Me Up For Failure

Amplified federal credit union
Amplified credit union, Worst credit union ever!

Chase Bank
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True Vacation Services
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Atlantic Pacific Mortgage
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World Savings
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Chase Bank
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