Consumer Report


I checked my bank account and noticed a charge of $14.95 from a company i've never heard of, looked back and they've been charging me 15 dollars a month for something i never signed up for at all. I can't even tell how far back they've been charging me.

Company: Experian
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
ZIP: 92626
Address: 475 Anton Blvd. Bldg D
Phone: 7148307000, 8883973742
Site: experian.com
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MVQ Essential Used phising to get credit card information from restaurants.com website in 2009 and charging since No info provided

Price Shuffle
Took my money out of my account thru false advertising by using a channel 4 review. It stated the credits would be free if I signed up by 12/8

Experian Information Solutions
Experian Credit Reporting - Ripoff Deceptive Advertising

Unauthorized charges

Online Supplier
I never entered for a free trial or even heard of this company they ripped me off for 6 months

Shopping Essentials
Has been charging my account for 14.95 for 6 months after a confirmed cacellation

Philip E. Mazur

Cahrged my card for 10 months after checking my credit score one time

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Consumer Report