Online Media Collection
Consumer Report


I purchaced am optima 3d xl adapter abd was advised to use pay point
I was told shipping would start after the payment was processed.
After extended time I was told shipping would start in 2-3 days unbelievable..
I followed this up with a number of emails,
Which I was told delivery of said item would arrive on the 20/6/12
Also shipping company would contact me with update, no details of shipping company were given.

Item hasn't arrived, the company who I'm sending emails to, the emails are coming back with no found address.
There is a phone number but it's just an answering MSG.

Company: Online Media Collection
Country: USA
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Free Credit Report
Scammed by the Free Credit Report Co
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Non receipt of product

Ripoff Where is my product Why do they ignore emails
Ripoff refused to give shipping cost before ordering then refused to cancel order or refund money when delivery was refused
Consumer Report

Mirka Gonzllis
Law guardian who is abusing a child!
Ripoff terrible delivery and return policies
Didnt give me my refund and didnt answer my emails

Double charged for shipping on returned defective item