Consumer Report


This is a duplicate of a previous complaint where I suckered for a trial period with media matters. I tried to cancel several times before the expiration date but was always diverted because they didn't recognize my order# (12404038), or my password, or my email, or they just put me onto another site. Their last message to me was to be sure to have enough money in my account to cover the $69.95 for a one year membership. Total scam!!!

Company: Avantgate
Country: USA
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Media Crowle
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Privacy Matters 1-2-3 - privacymatters123.com - Classmates.com
Privacy Matters 1-2-3 Ripped Me Off Through Classmates.com I opened the site to look at what was offered. I didn't accept the trial period

Be2 llc
Consumer Report

American Greetings
Makes it so difficult to cancel membership

Government Grant Advisor
Ripoff, Scam, Con Artist, Deception, Fake, Fraud, Mislead

Income Easy Street
Creative Search Training - Creative Synergy Training Google Easy Street Scam charged me $129.95, I received nothing but an empty bank account

Bad practices of Care.com

Total Scam, Fraudulent Advertising, Total Rip-Off, No chance to review or cancel your order, Way Overcharge

Hartford Auto Club - Mega Saver
Promised me a 30 day trial period to review materials didn't send materials and charged my card $99 anyway can't get my money back rip-off Thank You consumer complaints