Satellite Online Academy
Consumer Report


I applied for a job when searching for an online teaching job with 'Satellite Online Academy'. I found out about this 'job' on I received an e-mail from a Joshua Webb asking me to fill out an application at a certain web address. I filled the application out and was then contacted by that same person and told that I was hired as a teacher. I was then given specific information to access the Satellite Online Academy's website and 'Clock Spot', their time-keeper for clocking in and clocking out for my hours. I worked for this 'company' for 31 hours and was promised a paycheck on or about June 7th. I have never received it. Furthermore, I could not contact them in any way. Neither could the online job search company, 'Snag A Job'. The company told me that they were only listed for 11 days and then disappeared. I am worried now about identify theft with my social security number in the application process.including my address and name. People looking for jobs need to be aware and check a business out before applying and giving out sensitive information about themselves. I do not believe that this company is or was, a real company. It was so convincing being listed on a job-hunting website. I had no reason to believe that is was a fake.

Company: Satellite Online Academy
Country: USA
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