Amil Bansal
Consumer Report


My Girlfriend was scammed this morning with a quick loan scams thru Western Union.
First of all, there is this lady called Michelle that was calling her with this number (213) 457-3391 trying to convince her for a quick $ 5000 LOAN. All they need is her full address and Social security number then as soon as she send $ 425, they will send it back to her plus her quick loan making $ 5425. My Gf sent the money and a guy called Derek ask her to re-send another $ 399 to make her a premium customer. She instantly do it and the guy laughed at her and hangup the phone. But guess what? The money was sent to another guy called Amit Bansal. So I think the transaction took place between three (3) people.
Their lady, Michelle (213) 457-3391 which I traced to be around Los Angeles and
Derek (206) 866-5654 which is a Washington suburb area code. The third person was the guy named Amit BANSAL.
I will specifically trace these scammers and meet them face to face... And it WILL BE A RAP FOR THEM.
I just send a note to the local FBI office here in the Bay. This is NOT fair so it HAS TO STOP. And I think most of these scammers will start paying back with THEIR LIVES...!!!

Company: Amil Bansal
Country: USA
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Royale Company (Kelly Kent)
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Legal Affairs/Michael Carter/Michelle Brown
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200 independence ave. Northweast washington d.C. 20201
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