Consumer Report


Palm loan advances took $30.00 on my bank account. I did not order anything, or sign up to this website. I was checking my bank account, i saw 2 different charges, that i didn't know about this. Another one was pmcc club, charged on my account $99.49. I email my bank, advised me if they will not resolve this. I can contact fraud liaison center. Am 67 years old, just recieving benefits to ssa. Then they will took out this money on my bank account.

Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89146
Address: 2780 S. Jones Blvd
Phone: 8667893114
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Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
They fraudulently took 30.00 out of my account. They could not loan in AZ they said, but they still took the money

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Illegally drafted $30.00 from my checking account

Palm Loan Advances
30 dollars deducted from my bank account

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report