World Luxury Destinations
Consumer Report


On February 26 we went to a presentation in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. We had no intentions of buying a membership or a timeshare as we already owned one at Velas Vallarta. During the presentation by a Gerry Drexler from World Luxury Destinations we were shown a luxury condiminium which we could use for up to 8 weeks per year with no annual fees and United Assets Group would purchase our time share for $48,912 We also were guaranteed that if the sale of our timeshare did not happen, our money would be refunded. After arriving home we received an e-mail from United Assets Group stating that they had received all the information they needed and would be doing a title search. After a couple of calls to United Assets Group and a Mr. John Morgan, we were told that we would be contacted by yet another company, Blueskey Management Services. On May 14 we were contacted by Susan Miller of Bluesky Management Services from Farmers Branch, Texas. She said they would be handling the sale of the timeshare and the good news was that it actually sold for $61,114.00 and the closing would be handled by A Financial Services and a Mr. Stig Hellman from Chicago Illinois. Mr. Hellman contacted us and sent all the paper work, but we got suspicious when we were told that we were required to wire 10% or $6,114 as a transfer fee because we were doing business in a foreign country. We were told that this money would be held in escrow and refunded back to us along with the money from the sale of our timeshare. I then checked with the Better Business Bureaus in both Dallas and Chicago and neither of them ever heard of these companies. The Bureau in Chicago told me that the address of A Financial Solutions at 30 North LaSalle Street was a very large building and asked if we had a suite number, which we did not. We just happen to have a nephew who is a Chicago policeman with a downtown beat, so we gave him a call. He was familiar with the building and checked it our for us, but could find no such listing on their register. When we told Mr. Hellman about this he told us that they were not listed, but occupied the entire 7th floor. Again we called our nephew and asked him to check this out. The 7th floor is occupied by the City of Chicago Law Offices. Today, Susan Miller called and threatened to sue us for damages and breach of contract if we did not wire the transfer fee. She said the lawsuit would cost us much more that the $6,114 that they were asking us to wire. Do we have any recourse, these people continue to rip off tourists. I have called World Luxury Destinations several times and they promise to get back to me, but they never do.

Company: World Luxury Destinations
Country: USA
Phone: 8668958118, 3222248408
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World Luxury Vacations/Untied Asset Group/Bluesky Management
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World Luxury Destinations
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World Luxury Destinations
Consumer Report