Department of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Consumer Report


From phone number 707-506-6790:
These Indian guys, one calling himself David Miller, called my work and threatened to send police to my office to arrest me if I didn't confirm my social security number (which they HAD!), and the name of my business.instead of doing so, I asked what it was in reference to, and they refused to answer, started yelling at me that "your ass is going to jail", and hung up on me.
When I called them back, the same man asked me if I wanted him to hang up in my face again, and continued to yell at me. I then just told them I'm going to report them.

Company: Department of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Country: USA
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707-506-6790 Dept of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Travis Walker
Staff of Indian (not native Americans) people calling them selves ParaLegals but no names used. "I need your attorneys' number, or you will go to jail"

Cenral Investigation and Litigation
Threatened me with legal action and now say they have a block to put on my social security numbe

Department of legal affairs and investigation
Rude, disrespectful, lying, unprofessional, foreign speaking company

United Legal Investigation
They called and harassed, threatened me at work

United Processing

Department of Legal Affairs of Investigations
This company called me and threatned that I would go to jail TODAY if I do not come up with $845.33... Lmao

Department Of Law And Investigation - Cashnet Marketing Andy Brown Kenny Spencer
DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND INVESTIGATION - CASHNET MARKETING - ANDY BROWN - KENNY SPENCER Harrassment, Illegal Bill Collection, Accusations of Bank Fraud, Jail Time, Loss of Employment

Department of Law and Investigation
Scam, paydayloan, false information, impersonating, police office