Consumer Report


This company has a money back guarantee so I decided to try them because if you are not happy they give you a refund.
They sent me a few logo samples which I was not happy with as I had been very specific about my request and they seemed not to have read my requirements.
After the second go I asked for my money back.
First they insisted on sending more logos and I kept on saying I just wanted my money back.
After that they just completely ignored me. Numerous emails and phone calls since then and I still don't have my money back. I email and complaint, I phone and complaint but all they say is that they will look into it and come back to me which they never do.
It is 3 months now and I am still waiting. I think their strategy is to make me give up.
It is absolutely unbelievable! If you see their website they have all these claims about how great they are and how easy it is to work with them and get your money back but they are just a bunch of amateurs trying to scam people out of their money

Company: LogoDesignGuarantee
Country: USA
Phone: 9207315721
Site: logodesignguarantee.com
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Logo design guarantee Ripoff company does not reply to emails or phone calls - numerous BBB complaints - new management same ripoff tactics

50 dollar logo STAY AWAY ROM THESE THIEVES... internet

Logo Design Guarantee
Logodesignguarantee.com, Terrible clip art, didn't follow "no ask refund" policy

Fast Free Logo.com
Fraud, Crooks, Unprofessional, False advertisement

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Logo Dog
Carlson Branding, www.logodog.com logo dog ripoff, logo dog scam, steve carlson logo dog scam, carlson branding scam

50dollarLogo Stole my $50 even though they have a 100% Money Back Guarantee

Kim Murphy He is a sham designer who robs you off your hard-earned money for empty promises of great designs which he cannot deliver

Is a bunch of Jerks refund rip off