50 dollar logo STAY AWAY ROM THESE THIEVES... internet

Internet & Web

I hired these guys for a company logo and website design. After I saw what the kindergarten class made, I demanded my money back.instead of refunding or even discussing the issue, they will keep working on your project and totally ignore you regarding the refund.

They will email a generic message that means nothing and they have no intentions of returning your money. Their credit card processing is done out of a residence, they won't give you a last name, anthere is no physical address. They will say they aren't allowed to give out that information.

They charged me $578.00 for clipart and a website that I could have done myself. Their website talks about awards, but says nothing about them receiving any. Their email list includes everyone but the people you deal with. They renew a "one time only special" everyday. They claim a no hassle guarantee... But JUST TRY TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK!!! They will try to wear you out so you give up. Well DON'T. Be relentless and stand your ground.

I ended up filing a chargeback with my credit card company, hiring an attorney, filed a complaint with the FBI, IC3 (FBI Affiliate), Attorney General, Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Affairs. I finally received all my money back after being put through the wringer. These guys use deceptive business practices and are out to get your hard earned money. Who knows where they really are??? They have a U.K. Email address as well. Their entire business is a scam. Unless you like throwing away your money, stay as far away from this so called company as you can.

So Mark, Ellen, Abina, Kimberly Turner, Janet, Laura, James Baker and all you folks at logodesignguarantee.com, 50 dollar logo and every other name you go by... The word is out.

Don't give up if they play hardball with you. Hire an attorney and file as many complaints as you can.

It took me 3 weeks to get all of my money back. So it can be done. Be relentless and don't let these thieves rip you off.

Company: Logodesignguarantee.com
Country: USA
Phone: 18009615259
Site: logodesignguarantee.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Logo design guarantee Ripoff company does not reply to emails or phone calls - numerous BBB complaints - new management same ripoff tactics


Consumer Report

Custom website design fraud bad customer service still havent received money back

50 Dollar Logo
Is A Scam! 50 dollar logo (fifty dollar logo) claim to be able to design your logo for $50. They take your money and do no further work and will not respond to any of your emails or requests

Logo Design Guarantee
Logodesignguarantee.com, Terrible clip art, didn't follow "no ask refund" policy

Logo design Guarantee
Www.logodesignguarantee.co.uk REFUSAL TO ISSUE A REFUND FOR A FAILED JOB

Logo Design Guarantee
Consumer Report