National Family Solutions
Consumer Report


I got a call from a rep trying to let me know that Lawyer Costs are $2000 to $4000 in my area. Then he offered me services for $1300. Only problem is I am not gonna have a lawyer represent me in court. I understood that I would have a lawyer with the service or I would not have gave them my card info to bill me the initial cost. I have emailed them asking for my money back and have filed a dispute with my bank. Hopefully they will do the right thing and give my money back. It is simply a misunderstanding and they need to be more clear about their service. Anyone can represent themself why would a person want to pay $1300 just to do all the work themself anyways.

Company: National Family Solutions
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Barbara
ZIP: 93101
Address: 114 E. Haley Street
Phone: 8006085882
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National Family Solutions
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Scam! Scam! Scam! Complete B#L SHI

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National Family Solutions
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