Consumer Report


Met this guy on spm over a 5 mon, period, said he inhertaned money from his dad it was in cash, and he recieved it when he left malysia, well when he got to amsterdam custom stops him, thinking he is laudry money, need money to pay the taxes to the irs in malysia first, before they would send him the papers to clear to come to the states, and he needed help paying for these taxes and customs would not let him in the boxes where his money was. So he was very confiencing and being a trusting person, i tried to help, told me as soon as he got the money he would come to where i live a pay everything off, his name is paul fetchman, i have never seen him, now i have to do bankruptcy, to clear off all the loans i took out

Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75225
Address: P.O. Box 25458
Phone: 3236030188, 8667278920
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Consumer Report

Mandy Lin Kingstar Trading Co., Ltd
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Paul Fetchman
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Nz Customs. customs. govt. nz, customs Nz
Nz Customs, customs. Govt.Nz, customs Nz, customs. Govt.Nz/default.htm thieves and scumbag taxes on top of taxes on top of taxes

Johnson Lucus And Also Lloyd Meye
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Fed ex Philippines
Fed ex Philippines Fed ex Philippines custom fee duties and taxes scam Pque

Fed ex Philippines
Fed ex Philippines Fed ex Philippines custom fee duties and taxes scam Pque

It was not a company. It was people from Nigeria
Consumer Report

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