Waka Network
Consumer Report


OH boy! Let me tell you guys that you have no idea how fraudulent of a company this WAKA NETWORK really is! Like you guys, I started to receive a barrage of calls from various out of state or unavailable numbers; sometimes back to back in the middle of the night. Eventually, I just decided to answer a call and see where the fire was at. (This would become my downfall) First of all, a chipper young lady would greet me and give me an enticing offer "Just go to the web site www.wakanetwork.com and follow the prompts with her and I would receive a $10.00 Walmart gift card and a $100.00 Visa card that I could use anywhere I like. And the best part was, there would be nothing that I would have to buy up-front." Yeah, I know... I should have realized right there that something was a little fishy... But I am a single mother of four boys and times are hard. Who doesn't need some extra cash? So I decided to humor this lady a little bit. We caroused the site, I had to put my email info in, a little bit about demographics, nothing too painful and then at the very end, surprise, surprise, I needed to pay $2.99 as a membership fee to get my two gift cards. (Shocker, right?) When I asked the lovely lady on the other end of the phone, "I thought you said I wouldn't have to pay any up-front fees, " I realized that it wasn't even a live operator... It was a computer generated program that is similar to the one you get when you call Georgia Power. Really weird. She gave some generic answer about the benefits you receive are so much larger than the small one time fee for joining... Anyway, I decided to take a chance. What's $2.99 anyway? I lose that in my couch every day. I signed up and was told to wait 10-15 minutes for a WELCOME email that would have the information needed to receive my two gift cards. Great. The email never came. When I called Waka Network24 hr customer service number that was given to me so I could cancel my membership at any time... It was busy all evening. When I did finally get through to someone with the worse broken english/accent I had ever heard, she bullsh*tted me a lot and danced all around my questions. She would not let me cancel my membership yet... Saying she would re-send the email I never got and give me another OPPURTUNITY to see how wonderful the WAKA NETWORK really was. Although slightly frustrated by now, I continued to play along. (Second mistake, folks) I did finally get my Welcome email... And after reading it carefully, I realized that in order to receive my $10.00 Walmart gift card I had to spend $5.00 then photo copy the receipt, fill out some form from their website and mail it into the WAKA NETWORK headquarters and wait 4-6 weeks. Are you serious? After you take in consideration of the $2.99 fee and then the $5.00 you have to spend inside the store, postage, gas, and forgodssake your time - it is hardly worth it! And they never once mention anything about the redemption of the $100.00 Visa gift card. It's like they thought you would just forget about that lil piece of bait they dangled. Anyhoo... I tried to call the WAKA customer service line again to tell them that I was absolutely cancelling any so-called membership in their crazy discount whatever you want to call it club... And you guessed it... Can't get a hold of 'em... Busy ALL night. So, the following day, the Fraud department of my bank called me several times... Waking me from peaceful slumber. There were 3 large transactions attempting to be withdrawn from my checking account. The first one was for $616.00, which they got. The next two were for $852.00 and $398.00. Fortunately, my bank saw that this activity was unusual for me and stopped these snakes in their track before they could do too much damage. I had to cancel my bank card and go file a police report so I could dispute the initial charge and get my bank to reverse the charges. I called WAKA NETWORK all day
and have been unable to reach a live person. And what is worse is that I am still getting all of these strange out of state calls all day long. When I picked them up, it was just silence and then a hang up. Arrrrrrrgggg! Am I gonna have to change my cell phone number to? The old saying is most definately true! If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is! Do not get scammed by waka network! Please pass this info to as many people as you can. Thanks

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network, 512-646-0035
Consumer Report