Secure Account Services
Consumer Report


Can't find phone number or address. I don't know what they are selling, but did not authorize this charge.

Company: Secure Account Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: North Lauderdale
ZIP: 33068
Address: 1139 Cove Lake Road
Phone: 8557604868, 8134770234
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Comm-Services LLC
Unauthorized charge on credit card
Took money out of my account without permission internet

Secure Medical Group
Consumer Report

Ever Private Card Service rip me off $49.95 out of my checking account without my authorize Ripoff

AMR Long Distance, LD Services
LD Services AMR Long Distance ripoff consumer fraud

Did not authorize

PM Fast Auction
I put in for a $1.95 ebay cd, the company charged my account for $49.95 that I did not authorize

CIC Triple Advantage
I didn't ask for services and I"m being charged!

Iws*i Pro Auctions
Ripoff, monthly charging $29 to my bank account. Cannot find contact information to cancel account. Did not authorize this charge.internet

Roadside Plus
Unauthorized charge to checking account Ripoff