Gary seals livestock
Inhumane animal abuse and cold hearted human concern


Several years ago my husband and Iwere looking for a horse, we stoped at gary seals yard, mr. Seals said we could look around. I compleatly understand that some equins do go to slauter, that is fact, i am not angry at that but as the reader be prepared, its discusting, inhumane, and madning.

We were told that we could go anywhere, we walked around i turned a corner and there was the most big, bold gelding, buckskin in color and nice build. He had his butt to me eating, it was a very cold winter day, he turned to move towards me and to my astonishment he had a hole the size of a basket ball in his chest, exsposing his broken shoulder blade and a rib. Thank goodness for the cold weather, the bleeding was quaglated, he had been eating and drinking, so he had went numb. To make this story short, a vet, humainly put him down, this is cruel an should not have happened, the excuse was the truck was on its way.

Company: Gary seals livestock
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Zilla
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