Consumer Report


Started gettin messages over my phone. When i responded to stop they charged my $9.99. I have a goverment phone low income and cannot afford these charges

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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°88080 Play 2 Win Trivia/Fact
Consumer Report

The IQ Quiz Trivia
Mobile Messenger Deducted various amounts from my checking acct from 8/11/08 - 06/11/09

Disney Channel India
Stop putting lame cartoon shows

Cliq Digital/*88080 Play2WinTrivia/Facts
Consumer Report

Customer curtisity, ripoff Nationwide

Charges to my acct

Property House Value.com
Consumer Report

MVQ Credit Diagnosis
I cannot get off the merry-go-round!

Ph Media Llc
PH MEDIA Charged my Debit Card without authorization

Federal Law inforcement agency
He claims his name is James White, he can not speak English, THis individual kepts calling and leaving messages several times a day say that they are going to send me to jail if I do not pay them righ Fraud Company