Money Tool Box
Consumer Report


Don't know who this company is, and I didn't authorize this charge. Not only did this company deduct money from my account, since I wasn't aware of this transaction, my bank account is now overdrawn. I will prosecute to the full extent of the law and then some for damages this company has caused me...

Company: Money Tool Box
Country: USA
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Money Tool Box
Consumer Report

CIC - CIC*CE Credit Report -
Unauthorized charges, caused my bank account to be overdrawn irvine california

Ripoff i was scamed not once but twice within 10 days by this company costing me $ for plus over $250.00 in bank fees without my authorization to do so

Chase Bank
After setting up a stop payment the charge went through after disputing it I was told that being it was a debit transaction the stop payment would not apply so they charge me for the stop payment ove

Low Pay Inc
They took money out of my checking account without my permission
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Circuit Micro
Ripped me off! Charged my bank account! I did not authorize them to charge me
Consumer Report

Consumer Report