Consumer Report


Sir, Madam;
I am, Jack H. Stuber, Mech. Engineer, President of: "Mesa-Finance-Inc".
My Cell-phone beeped. I saw a message: "Your access has been renewed".
The same thing happened 1 month ago.
I never signed up for any such thing.
This is extorsion, crooketery. I am now stimulated enough to pursue this legally
unless this illegal charging stops. I will go all out. Lawyers fees galore.
I telephoned the #18777441287. The lady answering has such a terrible
spanish? Accent, one can not understand anything.
Is this your meant to be tool???
Believe me, I shall pursue this, maybe thousands of dollars, unless I receive
a appology from you.
Sincerily, Jack H. Stuber, (Personal Info Removed)

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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Jack Bruce and Duncan Smith
Consumer Report

Department of Law and investigation
Jack Smith They left a message on my machine saying tht they are from the department of law and imvestigation. The man who left the message on my machine had an indian accent and said his name was jack smith. He

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