America's Retail Marketing Group
Consumer Report


I received this letter in the mail. I first suspected this was a scam because the letter came from Canada and the check inside was for $1.983.25! It was also printed on cheap paper in black and white - no color.
What bothers me is that they are getting names of people who are looking for legit opportunities to earn money - probably hitting lots of people like me who are unemployed or under employed!

Company: America's Retail Marketing Group
Country: USA
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America's Retail Marketing Group
Consumer Report

America's Retail Marketing Group
Consumer Report

America's Retail Marketing Group
Consumer Report

Financial Resources Unlimited, Inc

Us Online America Group
Stobel Marketing Group Called me about a business opportunity. Tempe

M.T. Marketing - T.T. Marketing
M.T. Marketing Has Now Changed To T.T. Marketing Also! Big Time Scam rip off scam con artists

Global Market Research, Telecare Corporation, GMI
Mystery Shopper Scam sent a check and letter saying to deposit and send a money transfer

Prize and Award Presentation Economical Investment Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Ripoff poor quality prints claim 100% satisfaction but do not honor it Washed out prints No replacement offered without wanting more money