Not listed
Consumer Report


I got this sweet email... But it wasn't even sent to me.

From: [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, May 12 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: Someone has sent a Special e. Card aq

My prayer each night is for you to realize how much I adore you. When I go to bed, I think of nothing but how much this passion for you has consumed me. My heart is in this eCard I sent just for you. Http://shar. Es/2EZTS Let me know what you think of it. It is from the heart..

"I suppose that's pretty much the tr, uth with some women, Judith, though I've know n; them that cou, ld do both "It,! Shall be done as m, y. Brother, says, " r;eturned the Ind: ian, gravely. "If his, 'mind is full, let him empty, it in t h;e bo, s om of a friend." Ir, o! Quois have got lon, g. Eyes - s, ee beyon;dthe clouds - s: ee the bottom of the, 'Great Spring!"

Company: Not listed
Country: USA
  <     >  

Consumer Report

Female 5000
Consumer Report

Ticket Scam, offered a refund when contacted but have not heard from them since

Time Warner Roadrunner
Blocking e-mails and refusing to give service

RoadRunner, Road Runner, Time Warner
Timewarner's RoadRunner cable internet provides low bandwidth, high downtime consumer ripoff operates their own outgoing mail server (on port 25) without any authorization

Time warner-roadrunner
Advertisement infor result in $250 support phone

Judith Rubinson
Scary landlord

Road Runner Transportation Services
Company refuses to replace car lift damaged in delivery
Consumer Report

Christi Harmon
My dog is not a shar pei