SportDip. Me
Consumer Report


I check my checking acct. Pretty regular and I seen this charge and knowing that I had not used or spent any money from my couple weeks. I called the bank and had this stopped or at least was thinking it would be that easy. They told me sportdip. Me had all the right stuff to chg. My acct. They had used my debit card number. They gave me the telephone number this company had used. They cancelled that debit card and issued me a new one and took those charges off but told me if it had not been settled by june, I would get recharged. I called that number and each and every time got a message saying I would have to call back at a different time. I tried early morning, late evening and all kinds of time and each time got same thing. So never did get to talk to anyone

Company: SportDip. Me
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
ZIP: 23450
Address: Address Not Yet on File
Phone: 2063306832
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Sportdip. me
Dips into my Bank Account! Internet

The Company is illegally taking money out of checking accts. California

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

Rip-off beware they debit your checking acct after you've removed the authorization

Sportdip. Me, seminole, fl
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report