Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report


Sent an email to my verizon air card. Went to check it out, to find that I had just been scamed again. Walmart should be held responsible and have to pay up. Spent an hour trying on my computer to acess this $1,000.00 gift voucher, to only find out it's a scam! I throught walmart had more family values, I, guess not, what is this world coming to.

Very disappointed,

C. Wolf

Company: Walmart Gift Card
Country: USA
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Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

Valu pass
Offered 100$ walmart gift voucher to try services its a scam

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Walmart Offer For Free $1000 Gift Card
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report