Home income package, apply. Homeincomepackage.com/indexhome. Ph
Consumer Report


I was surfing the net when i saw a website offering an online part time job, the website is http://apply. Homeincomepackage.com/indexhome.php? S1=300123&s2=615571683&s3=new, i tried entering details until i've reached the payment section, i trusted the site since they are affiliated with several credit card companies, after i finished paying, unfortunately the internet connection showed session your session has expired... I did not received any confirmation email nor an online receipt. I am so disappointed, i was looking for an opportunity to earn online since my salary is so low, until now i did not received any reply from all my inquiries like asking them to give an acknowledgment receipt through email, and sending instructions regarding the package. I ended up being a victim of these scammers. What is so terrible with this incident, i just borrowed my relative's credit card to pay for it now i have to hide from them from being scolded when the time comes they find out what happened. I hope this scam will be stop and the suspects be put into jail, give us back our hard earned money!!

Company: Home income package, apply. Homeincomepackage.com/indexhome. Ph
Country: USA
City: Regensburg
ZIP: 93059
Address: Nurembe Weg 6
Phone: 4904146178711
Site: homeincomepackage.com
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Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Apply. HomeIncomePackage.com/Indexhomeph
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Home Income Package
Consumer Report

Consumer Report