Don Lepre's Marking
The greatest vitamins in the world ripoff


I saw this ad on tv, more than a month a go. I called them to know more about it. After explaining how you could make a thousand dollars in a week, i decided to place an order. They took 61 dollars out of me and promise i will start making thosands as others. So the next week they sent me a cd, tape; all about how to make money.

The following week, they called my cell phone and ask me to join the media, that i will make thousands quick. On that same day, they took 71 dollars from me. I remember two days later, they called me and told me i should join the "" they also told me, throgh this i could receive more cutomers to my website. They said just 500 dollars i will receive more cutomers and than i could receive more a thousand. I disagreed.

They later called me back and said they have talked to Don (the boss) and he is giving me 50% off and i agreed and they took 250 dollars from me. They also called me and told me about the senior ad and that if i am a senior ad, i will have people under me and i will be receiveing 20%-30& of thier sales.

I think this caused me 100 dollers to join. It has been more than a month and i haven't received any thansand yet instead i have recieved sample of a check with my name on it. And they said only if i call them i right away, that i will start making thousands everyday.

Company: Don Lepre's Marking
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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