World's Greatest Vitimin By Don Lepre
They canceled the internet website that I had been paying for, I've paid them a couple of thounsand dollars for leads etc

Health & Medicine

I had been trying to look up my web page and could not get it. When I tried to contact the web hosting company a recorded message said that they no longer work with World's Greatest vitimin and that they could not help anyone. I paid the company a couple of thousand dollars for help to start a business now they just disapear. What's going on???

Company: World's Greatest Vitimin By Don Lepre
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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The Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre took all the money I had to start my vitamin business, and now I don't have a website or my money back. Phoenik

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Greatest vitamin in the world is a scam! They took 8 thousand dollars of mine and ran

The Greatest Vitamin In The World - Don Lepre
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lepre ripoff Charged me $4,417.00 US funds and delivered nothing

The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO Greatest Vitamin In The World Let Down

The World Greatest Vitamins

Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin in the World
Don Lepre Greatest Vitamin In The World I called company day after purchase of $500.00 with a bad feeling and no refund its been more than a year Pheonix

The Greatest Vitamins In The World By Don Lapre
The World Greatest Vitamins By Don Lapre False Advertisment, fool and misguide people in order to rob thousand of dollars

Don Lupre / Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lupre, Greatest Vitamin In The World. Ripof company asks for more & more money without deliverling the product. 35 dollars to stare then 95 then they ask for 1500 rip-off

The World's Greatest Vitamins