North Texas Tollway Authority
NTTA Should have a lawsuit filed for unfair business practices


I knew I wasn't the only one with the exact same issues and problems with the NTTA and found them here on
This started in 2009 when I was laid off my job and had to start my job search and occasionally had to use the George Bush Tollway. This is when the NTTA started taking out their booths and before never had a problem and always paid my tolls even if expensive for just a few miles. It started with me getting the notices and I'd try to go online (without a prepaid account) to try and pay the bill and would enter the invoice number, account id and my license plate number and could never get logged in and this was after many weeks of multiple try's. I also spent months trying to call the NTTA by phone and getting an automated system that would have me on hold (on my only phone which is a cell phone) for 30-60 minutes at a time and then just giving up and never being able to talk to a human being. I called back over and over and over again getting the same thing and even having the automated system hang up on me after bring on hold for 15-30 minutes also. Finally after months of this I went to the office waited an hour and was hit with a $1400-1600 bill for probably $40 in tolls. Charging me $25 an exit, $250 admin fees etc... While being unemployed and not even being able to feed myself to have gasoline to put in my car to find a job. After that and paying them $200 (?) and getting a zip cash tag I was finally able to get on sometimes and gratefully pay my tolls like i would if there was a attended booth (which they should still have!) Again, I'm having the same problem again and can't get logged in to pay my tolls! I don't understand it! There should be a lawsuit to protect us citizens of these outrageous unfair fees/practices and it should be illegal that we don't at least have a coin drop or booth or at least be able to go online easily and pay our bill. I can tell by their website/service that they are trying to make it to where they can try and claim these outrageous fees! This is a unfair ripoff and wouldn't be surprised if there aren't politicians involved too! So, if you don't have a prepaid account or have them setup where they can take automatically take money out of your bank account anytime they want you get charged thousands of dollars in "admin costs" for less than $50 of actual toll fees. This sounds just like the mafia!!!

Company: North Texas Tollway Authority
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
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NTTA - North Texas Tollway Authority
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North Texas Toll Authority
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North Texas Tollway Authority
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