Us united cash loans
This loan company called me and said i owed them$ 400!


Today i got a phone call from an attorney saying that
I owed united cash loans $400 a loan that they deposited
into my bank account in 2010 and that i was trying to run
off with their money, first of all the account number they said i used
is a debit card account that i just recieved a week ago, and
I have had been online using that card number trying to get a
loan a week ago, but i never got funds transferred. They saying
i am being sued and i dont see how i am being sued for some monet
That i never recieved? These people are true scammers and thats why we as citizens are
warned about giving out your information online. I hipe they are the ones
that are prosecuted and punished for messing with innocent lives.

Company: Us united cash loans
Country: USA
Phone: 5169277060
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