Kelly Advertising
DS-Max, Branch Davidians Cult. Bad, Bad company! Be careful. Big waste of time. Freaks. Ripoff / Orange


Went in for what I guess you could call an interview with these guys. Oh man, where do you begin!:)

Right when I walked in, alarm bells start ringing in my head! It is a mass interview with about 7-8 people in the lobby. Maybe its a good job with several interested people. Wishful thinking!

By the end of the night everyone was hired and invited back the next day. Oh well, decided to see what its all about anyway. They take you on somthing they call a 'day of observation.' Don't go! The guys I went out with were supposed to be the top salesman in this area. I had to drive. (Why don't either of the top salesman have a car?):) Where were we going? On a sales call to one of their clients, the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Anaheim Angels. Holy crap, this is knocking on doors!!!

On the drive out to god knows where, I learned these two guys live with three other Kelly advertising reps. I made some small talk and eventually found out that they are all crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment. I know rent is expensive around here, but come on. They kept saying little catch phrases like JUICE and JUICY. I am a big movie buff. I recognized this stuff from the movie "Requiem for a Dream."

Does anyone know if this is a direct goof on this company? Respond to this of anyone knows...:) We finally arrived to our territory. It looks like we were to be pushing water coolers. After a couple of hours watching this guy fumble around trying to sell these things, I asked if I could give it a try, just to make a couple of bucks, and not totally waste my entire day. "JUICE by you for your excitement, " he says. But I still needed to learn the techniques. Not only is this a cult, not only is this guy a crappy salesmen with no car who sleeps in a bunk bed. But he has to lecture me on salemanship also. We had stopped for lunch, I wanted to get a sandwich at Chili's but that was seen as too expensive. Chili's, too expensive?

Geez, I can't win. Lunch time is where I was taught this pyramid scheme I could become a part of. Why not just start a normal pyramid scheme and save yourself 15 hours a day, then maybe you could afford a delicious Chili's lunch. Some other complaints claimed they were told to wear comfortable shoes. I was not.

By the end of the day, I not only felt like I was walking around with a panhandler all day. I had some huge blisters on my feet. I wanted to ask for a band-aid when I got back to the office, but I had a feeling they would charge me.:) When I got back I was really ready to get the hell out of there. But there was more fun. The end of the day meeting.'Atmosphere' they call it. It is where all the panhandlers get together and ask each other about the day. I accidently brought a Snapple into the 'atmosphere' room. I was quickly surround by 4 of the managers and told that it was not a good idea to have that in here. Damn, its just a snapple. (That was really creepy.) Another 5-6 people asked me where I was going when I walked down the hall to use the restroom. Everyone leaves out any negatives that may have happened during the day.

The number one question was "What was working for you today?" I don't know, we were smiling and trying to sell water coolers. What else is there to say??? This was construed as negative. "JUICE to YOU!" was the response to everything. They spent alot of their meeting bad-mouthing education. What is the negative if having educated people working for your company? These guys sleep in bunk beds for christ sake! The 2 guys I drove around that day made a total of $70... Combined... I spent half of that in gas.By the time it was time to go it was 9:30pm, a 12 hour waste of time. When it was time to leave I was escorted down to my car?:) I never got most of my questions answered about that place. Do they pay ever pay for your gas? Even when I delivered pizza when I was 16 they paid for my gas. Is there health insurance there?

This group of people scared me a little bit. David Koresh would be proud. The whole day actually opened my eyes. I never knew companies like this could operate for any considerable length of time.

Company: Kelly Advertising
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
Address: Orangewood Ave
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DS-Max Coral Group
Misleading, they dont tell you its a door to door sales job until your 2nd interview scam! Do not work here!

AMG Imports
Ripoff pyramid scam door-to-door sales solicitation

GLM Solutions and Marketing
Fraud/Misleading/Scam GLM "Solutions" and Marketing is a scam, stay away

The Ad Group
Bait and switch Job posting. False advertising. Wasted my time and energy

Level 1 Enterprises, Jesse Jamnik
Scam scam scam

Shauck Enterprises
Ripoff innocent people looking for real jobs

World Class Advertising / WCA
Invited back for second "all day interview" which really meant drive in broke down car with two guys and another prospective hire and watch them try to sell waterless wash and wax car spray to people at a gas station in

Cydcor, Ds-maxx
Deceitful and ignorant, and, actually kind of pathetic

Darren Matloff - Eastern Distribution Group - Rhino
Scam artist, ripoff, cult leaders, liars

3W Marketing
Pyramid Scheme, Deceptive Hiring, Cult Activity