Essays Council
Consumer Report


Ordered a paper from them on the 21st. On the 23rd I changed my mind and emailed them asking to cancel the order and for a refund. They asked why and I explained that I no longer required their services. They told me I would receive a refund in 24 hours. It's been a full work week and have not received one. They have also failed to respond to any emails, their US phone number is not a real number at all and their "24/7 online operators" are always offline. This place is a complete scam. Don't waste your money. I only wish I had been smart enough to find this page before I placed the order. I guess there's still a possibility of getting my money back but I'm not holding my breath. Be smart people and avoid the this company

Company: Essays Council
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85032
Address: Crowfield Road
Phone: 6027871094, 6507415076
  <     >  


Smart Certify Direct
Ripoff lies, cheats and steals! Someone has to STOP THEM!

Smart Colon Cleanser
Smart colon cleanser rip off no authorization

Ultimate DVD Shop-Get Smart DVD's
Cannot receive dVD's
Consumer Report

Real Smart Email
Phone Bill Scam 14.95 per month

White House Gifts and Apparel
Non-responsive and unethical. Do not buy from them!

A1 Essays
Item never delivered... Refund not seen... Keep getting the run around

Federal Collateral Jewerler/Pawnbroker - Business ID 332-0000003571
They Stole My Diamond, Swapped My Stone, Robbed Me Blind, Swindled Me Detroit
Consumer Report