I Rent To Own LLC
Consumer Report


I responded to an advertisement on line. Company promised to assist looking and getting affordable properties to rent or own. They promised to continue to send listings until there is a match, one gets the property to either own or rent. They promised to charge only $1.00 (one dollar) for 7 days of search, you are supposed to cancel after 10days if unsatisfied. But there is no where to do that. You can't cancel! In mine case, I did not get any listing, other than the ones used on their Web site advertisement page! Web page has no telephone contact, street address, or any contact information for that matter. The home page for application disappears, never to re-appear any longer. After trying for weeks to get in touch to cancel unsuccessfully, my account is charged $49.60 on 04/30 which my bank was not able to reverse even today 04/27 because transaction was already processed for 04/30. This is an organization operating purely with the intention of scamming honest people of their hard earned money...

Company: I Rent To Own LLC
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
ZIP: 94107-6803
Address: 500 3rd St, Ste 265
Phone: 8884351926
Site: irenttoown.com
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