Us Postal Services
Postal employee mail fraud/forgery/mail tampering


The us mail services "certified mail" is (not) the proof positive form of delivery confirmation that it is being marketed as.

There is a flaw in their system... Certified mail can be fabricated!!!

Woodville, mississippi postal employee's found this flaw and used it to aid local businesses.

Postal employee's fabricated, forged, and back-dated the certified mail an entire year. This receipt bears tracking number: (7008-0500-0000-9931-7030).

Then the certified mail was supplied to woodville, ms, trustee atty david wilkerson and concordia bank & trust loan officer; phillip cutrer.

Wilkerson and cutrer were attempting to conceal the fact that concordia bank retaliated when starting foreclosure proceedings on my property.

I'm suspecting that the foreclosure had everything to do with my lenders racial prejudice towards our african american president and his ideas... Ie; (the making homes affordable act).

Maybe i'm wrong, but on the off chance that i am; explain why my lender started foreclosure proceedings the next day after i (faxed) the request to modify my loan?

Although at the time of the fax, i was only (one) complete payment past due.

The foreclosure was never listed on our credit report, so because of this; we have since been able to purchase another home, for more than the balance of the foreclosed property.

Guess that was their gracious attempt to make amends for stealing our property, our money, causing the death of my father as a result of stress, throwing my family out into the streets then black-balling my family preventing us from owning another home, for an entire year...

How do you make amends for that? How can that kind of wrongdoing be repaid, in any form?

Didn't know it was possible to infiltrate and compromise the postal services system... Even as a postal employee.

More importantly, would never have imagined that every federal regulator would refuse to act once given notice of this crime.

Imagine the possibilities when white-collar criminals possess the ability to influence postal workers to to use their positions at the post office and postal material to aid in criminal activity.

All involved, hold positions of 'trust and power', and in their respective positions; they possess unbelievable powers—each in their own right... Now try and imagine their powers and abilities since these powers and positions have combined... Scary huh?

This has to be a threat to homeland security.

Especially since the guilty now view themselves as (untouchable).

If us postal employees can be influenced by 'businesses' to compromise the integrity of the postal system; surely a 'terrorist' could convince them to do the same.

Naturally, the crime wasn't comitted free of charge.

When the us postal inspection criminal division received my written complaint, my complaint was given ref: c/gfb/013/s1275814/c1555057, and i received notice of this via mail on 2-15.

I have been assigned 3 different "special agents" related to this complaint: agustus magee; seimer; michael berry.

Special agent semier showed a complete and total lack of indifference; even stating that he wasn't going to destroy the lives of someone based on my opinion. Had he conducted a valid investigation; if not true; the accused would have been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Both magee and berry disappeared when they were emailed handwriting samples showing irrefutable similarities in handwriting of my mail carrier and the forged handwriting appearing in the certified mail receipt.

Magee tried to convince me that this sort of crime wasn't possible. When he failed to convince of that, he stated that the postal service has no way to prove which employee's were involved... Absolutely ludicrous!!!

Guess the us postal service never heard of lie detector test and handwriting experts...

Magee and berry both tried to convince me to surrender the (original) copies of my evidence to them, with both offering to come to my home to collect it; stating it was necessary to conduct a thorough investigation. But special agent magee wanted to have a listing of every agency i had forwarded a complaint too.

How can either handwriting sample be disputed, when both samples came from postal material? One, of course, appears on the certified mail receipt, including in the signature portion where the (receiver) is supposed to sign; the other sample came from a 'missed mail' notice dated 8.

How can the postal service explain the fact that one of their employee's handwriting appears where a receipient of (certified mail) should have signed? My mail carrier knows me well and would have known if someone was impersonating me - even if that were their position.

Keep in mind that (only) us postal employee's (should) have access to us postal material, unless here in woodville, "none" postal employee's are being allowed to access and handle the us mail. If true; this is also a crime and also would substantiate that the intergity of the postal service has been compromised..

The postal service has been aware of this crime since approx 9. As of yet absolutely no action has been taken to investigate and prosecute the accused.

Because the us postal inspectors have taken no action, as of yet, to address my criminal complaint; the involved are all still directly involved with the handling of my mail.

This has left me extremely vunerable and continually susceptible to further harm and damages. I'm completely helpless to prevent their crimes.

As a result of this; my mail is being opened, then stamped 'received unsealed'; other mail is being opened without being stamped; postal workers are harassing me and leaving threating notices in my po box, referring to us postal service form; (ps 1093)..

The notice threatens to refuse to renew my post office box if i continue too refuse to come into their office and update my information.

Are (all) woodville post office box customers receiving this form? Surely i am not the only customer to which this form applies.

I have moved at least 4 times since acquiring the post office box nearly 20 years ago. Why am i just receiving this notice? Why am i still receiving these notices even after going online to update my info on, 12-15??

This form (1093), also states that anyone over the age of 18, receiving mail in my box also must report to the post office-with me - and also present 2 forms of id, in order for me to continue receiving mail at my po box.

I suspect their real motive for requiring this form be filled out at their office, is solely to obtain the signed and printed form of my name, to replace it with their forgery.

I no longer trust the handling of my mail at the woodville, ms location. I felt it necessary to change the delivery location of important pieces of mail, to insure that it isn't tampered with.

As i'm convinced that if woodville postal workers are brazenly committing this level of grand scale criminal misconduct; it goes without saying that i also am, or have been prevented from receiving certain pieces of mail.

The mental anguish and stress of this crime is unbearable. I'm now paranoid and afraid to sign or print my name to (any) piece of paper locally, out of fear that someone is attempting to obtain my handwriting for the benefit of the accused.

Someone at the federal level should have intervened long ago to assist me, (but) i'm from a very small southern town where nearly everyone is somehow connected and i have no financial means.

In addition; i believe the tie-that-binds is; us judge david bramlette, who is a woodvile, mississippi resident. Judge bramlette owns a vast amount of property in woodville and basically controls the town.

Mr bramlette is also the owner of the land in which the woodville, ms post office sits. The us postal service rents from him. Bramlette is/or was also a huge investor in concordia bank & trust.

Its a well known fact that both, atty david wilkerson and loan officer phillip cutrer are associates of mr bramlette.

I whole-heartedly believe that mr bramlette is using his considerable federal connections to prevent a credible investigation, and also preventing the accused from being prosecuted.

Prosecution on federal charges of white-collar professionals in woodvile, based on the complaints from a black family, would be a never before heard of event; one that i'm sure is being prevented with every ounce of power.

But what about the financial and mental destruction of my family's life?

Guess its a small price to pay to maintain the fabric of corruption in woodville, ms.

Powerful connections provide powerful protections

Company: Us Postal Services
Country: USA
Phone: 6018884651
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