Freda Henry
Consumer Report


I ordered the $4.95 intro and paid for that then a few weeks later received an email they were sending more. There was a telephone number so I called it, they said your order will be shipped, ended by a voice mail and I told them not to send anything. However my
CC has been charged $99.99, as of today haven't received anything and they better not send anything. I have notified my CC of this so I expect it to be credited. They are
SCAM artist, they should be fined for what they are doing.
Freda Henry

Company: Freda Henry
Country: USA
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Shenzhen Jingse Electronic Co., Limited
Consumer Report

Jim Henry
Henry's Cedar Chest stole my money, con artist, never received my orde

PrimeRealAd State, Cutting Edge Strategies For Creating Tremendous Wealth Online
Henry Entendencia Stole $20,000.00

PrimeRealAd State -
PrimeRealAd State - Henry Entendencia CON ARTIST and a FRAUD

ELF International
Freda button company sent bad check, also wanted me to do work and was not paid for it

BIG TIME FRAUD!, Henry Entendencia,, Henry Entendencia, Stole $20,000.00 via wire with a promise of a 500% return... Not!

Its an attempt to scam folks by threatening them with mysterious negative forces that the medium can see over yo
Henry Entendencia FRAUD. Fraud. Fraud. Fraud. Henry Entendencia

Henry Makaba
Consumer Report

MAS Training
Henry Hislop, MAS training is a SCAM and run by Henry Hislop