Be2 llc
Consumer Report


How to cancel B2 - I managed to cancel using their UK phone number but I eventually got an email with the following directions:
(Please note email address in UK is not 'b2')...

"The easiest way to generate this cancellation form is to follow our online cancellation process.

Please follow the instructions below carefully.

1. Log on to the website and click on “My profile”, then “Settings”.

2. Click on “View/Change” under “Premium Membership". the box “be2 Premium Membership”, click on the link “click here to continue”.

4. Please follow the instructions on the screen carefully and navigate the next pages answering a few questions about our service.

5. On the FAQ page, click “Premium Membership and payment” and then click “Payment”. Scroll down and click a link at the end that says "ending your Premium Membership online here". You will see a page listing the advantages of Premium Membership. Go to the bottom and press “continue”.
There are three ways to send your signed cancellation form to us:
as a fax to: 44 207 7859384
as an email attachment.
As a letter to: be2 S.à. R.L. - 291, route d'Arlon - L-1150 Luxembourg
Please also note: We need to receive the completed cancellation at least 14 days before your renewal date or you will be renewed for a further period."
I hope this helps. As you can see it's a tricky process on site.

Company: Be2 llc
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
ZIP: 19904-2778
Address: 874 Walker Road, Suite C
Phone: 5414511300
  <     >  


Consumer Report

Rip-off It is incredible how deceptive match is especially how they lie about closing the account

Dollar PTR
Consumer Report
Cancelling account

Testing Authority
Dishonest, criminal and illegal.internet

Put a stop to these disgusting predators

Netflix free trial offer McKinney Texas

I have had monies due to me for surfing for over a year now and have not been paid

XING AG, Xing,
Xing AG not willing to cancel my premium membership, Germany

Memory lane Stole 39.00 USD From Me. I am sure others as well. A complete Rip-Off