Full Ciount Services
Full Count Eviction Service Wrong address and tenant, failed to complete necessary signatures, no refund, waste my time and rents


I hired Full Count Eviction Service to do all the paperwork and service on a tenant that I wanted evicted. The eviction service served the wrong address, name and tenant. They didn't even keep up with it so I had to inform them after 5 weeks, that another tenant had answered the eviction.

They started a new eviction and everything seemed o.K. Until I got to court. Then the first thing the judge said to me was "This isn't signed", "It's improper service" While the judge was looking through the paperwork, I started talking but he said "It doesn't matter, it's not signed"

The case was dismissed for "defective notice". I reported this to Full Count Eviction Service and they told me, the paperwork doesn't need to be signed and it wasn't their fault. They claim I lost the case and that's it Problem is, I didn't lose the case, it was dismissed because of the eviction services fault.

If I pay for a service, it needs to be done correctly or refunded but in talking to Full Count Eviction Service, they are unwilling to work with me or refund the money. They tell me I need to show them why the notice was defective so I send them the minutes and they say "It doesn't tell me why it was defective, it just says it's defective"

I tell them again that the judge says it wasn't signed and they tell me again "It doesn't need to be signed" Since I had nothing to do with signing or filling out the paperwork or even serving it, then it's stands to reason that Full Count Eviction Services is at fault. They're aware that I can go no further than what's on the minutes so they use their legal knowledge against me.

They wasted 5 weeks of my time on a wrong address and another 5 weeks without checking their paperwork so it ended up dismissed. They wasted my time and money. Their responses seem rude and arrogant.in my opinion, once they got my money, they didn't seem to care enough to do anything correctly.

Company: Full Ciount Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: Dublin
Address: 7172 Regional St. # 362
Phone: 8004209938
Site: fullcountevictionservice.com
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