Consumer Report


I received an email from Overstock Auctions today and when I opened it, it took me to another website, "Zbiddy". It looked interesting so I began looking at the site thinking I might find a nice birthday present, so I signed up and this is when the trouble began.

They Trick You
I have no recollection of having chosen any kind of package for $99, but after I submitted my registration which included my credit card information (I ignorantly thought it might be needed for purchases to be made – thought it operated like Ebay). Then an email came showing me I just paid $99.00 for bids. What! I hadn't chosen to pay for anything! This scared me as I had no idea how to use the site, so I thought to close this account.

This Company Has No Integrity Though Their Reps Are Nice
I clicked their ‘live chat” button, and explained that I didn't mean to purchase a bid for $99 and how could I receive a refund. After a few moments she kindly let me know she was unauthorized to give a refund and I would need to make a phone call. I doubted the integrity of her company right then and told her so. Immediately I called the land line and thought I had reached India, so hung up. The second time, I spoke with David who also struggled with his English, though he insisted they were in Florida.

Demand A Refund
45 minutes of an escalating conversation, David kept offering restaurant vouchers and free bids while I insisted a refund. I told him I would be searching the internet for reviews of his company which he assured me would be found good. So I began my search while we were on the phone.

Write Reviews in Forums Like This One
I let David know I would be writing reviews all over the Internet about this fraudulent company and asked how he could sleep at night after talking to so many dissatisfied, furious consumers about this fraud. I began reading to David what multitudes were saying: a repeat of my story, and more! This gave me more and more determination as I fully realized I hadn't knowingly clicked a bid package for $99 as the rep led me to believe, but truly I had been manipulated.

Contact Your Credit Card Company on the Back of Your Credit Card
I said I would be contacting my credit card bank which he said I shouldn't do as it would only complicate matters, but I told him I would ask my credit card company, and called anyway. I have now read others who said the same thing.

Don't Waste Your Time Talking to a Supervisor
By the time I was done with the call I knew that speaking with a Supervisor would have done me no good for this was a corrupt company-wide procedure, not just a bad customer service rep. Everytime he began his sales pitch I interrupted him, demanded a refund - again and again. They are trained to keep their cool, but I didn't care to keep mine!

How to Get A Refund
An hour after I got off the phone, I received a notice in my email that I would receive a refund with 5-7 days. I now believe that if I receive it, its because I stood my ground and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Also it appears that when you tell them you will contact your credit card company that this also motivates a refund. Others have used their "terms of service" and have gotten a refund, located at the bottom of their Home page, #3 Bid Purchasing for Online Bidding / Payment; paragraph #3 about refunds.

Bidding Also Appears Fraudulent
Others complain that when they didn’t receive a refund, they then tried bidding on items, and other problems surround this portion of involvement as well. If you don't use your bids within a time period, they remove them. Some never receive their purchases, while others believe Zbiddy bots bid on items to raise prices. So everything about Zbiddy sounds fraudulent.

What Will We Do
Though I have been told I will be refunded, I will wait to see it happen. My credit card bank will be notified as soon as it shows up on my bill. And I will continue to notify the public of this fraudulent company. What concerns me the most is how many people have made complaints since 2011 and this company still exists, some even mentioned Facebook has promoted the company. True or not, this is something we as the public need to become aware of. We must work to make sure things of this nature stop, rather than leave our complaint – only to be read by another victim - after the fact.

I look forward to seeing justice done to such crooks, but this is just one on the list of multitudes. I don’t even want to begin on the cell phone companies.

I hope this site is the key to seeing this justice.

Hoping the Best!

Company: ZBiddy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
ZIP: 33442
Address: 2200 SW 10th St
Phone: 8779243390
Site: zbiddy.com
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Scam, snake-oil salesmen, lies, deceit, thieves, restaurant and gas vouchers

Well Ain't This Some Fraudulent Sh

My complaint is against ZBiddy
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Unauthorized charge, no free registration, charged without knowledge

Misleading Advertisement