Forest Law Group
Consumer Report


We received a letter in the mail from Forest Law Group saying that they could help get our bank to modify our mortgage payments. We faxed our information to them last Friday and they called us back yesterday. They said that they could lower our interest rate to 2-something percent and could make our house payments between $300 and $420 lower a month. They said it would cost us $3,500. We told them that was craziness and the guy said, "I guess this program doesn't sound like it's for you."

Company: Forest Law Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
ZIP: 92660
Address: 4500 Campus Drive
Phone: 8667334873
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Forest Law Group
Consumer Report

Forest Law Group
Consumer Report

Forest Law Group
Consumer Report

Forest Law Center
Phillips Law Center Mortgage Scam I paid $2995. To lower my mortgage, but this company did nothing to lower my payments. They never contacted the loan company or me after receiving the money

Forest Law Group
Consumer Report

Forest Law Group
Consumer Report

Forest Law Group
Consumer Report

American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc
I wrote a proposal asking AHMSI to consider readjusting my mortgage payments & instead they increased my payments

Forest Law Group

Beware of refinacing need to pay appraisal fee but they will come back will lower appraisal therefore your interest rate goes up ripoff