Peter Ventre MD Psychiatrist
Consumer Report


Psychiatric disorders are not medical diseases. There are no lab tests, brain scans, X-rays or chemical imbalance tests that can verify any mental disorder is a physical condition. This is not to say that people do not get depressed, or that people can’t experience emotional or mental duress, but psychiatry has repackaged these emotions and behaviors as “disease” in order to sell or force treatments.

I went to the hospital for stomach problems related to my drinking, I wanted no part in starting a life time of psychiatric drugging or psychiatry at all.

By law in Florida (several other states have similar laws), a person, before receiving medication or other treatment, has the right to receive and must be given sufficient information about this treatment to enable him or her to “make a knowing and willful decision without any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress or other forms of constraint or coercion”. (Florida Statute 394.459 (3) (a)

This Peter Ventre psychiatrist trys to coerce OVER medication and then terrorizes me with treats of "injectable form". Cause he knows the dosages are to high and the reaction he will get (refusal). I was reduced to begging, I cant take all these pills... Cause of these effects... Please...

This refusal is taken a a symptom that I was sick and needed the medication and treatment more, according to this so called "doctor".

This "injectable form" of forced medication involves men grabbing and overpowering me then pulling down my pants and injecting long acting (1 month) nueroleptic drugs (chemical rape), Thats what he told me would happen If I disagreed with his diagnosis and medication advice (order) IN Fort Lauderdale Hospital. This threat was made to me.

My reaction to this threat, My feelings of fear, total helplessness, outrage victimization and a need to protect myself is also called a symptom of the so called psychiatric Illness that I was never even told the name of.

Its a scam, anyone would refuse the amount of drugs this guy perscribes, The refusal is then used to extend your stay threats to make you feel unsafe and abused to make you "act out" this leads to more mistreatment @ $750 dollars a day.

I didnt act out.

I had to make desperate calls outside the hospital for legal help to escape this Peter Ventre MD and "Fort Lauderdale Hospital".

None of these medication "treatments" were for anthing "medical" at all.

Here are the unwanted effects of the drugs he tryed to force on me.

A number of harmful and undesired (adverse) effects have been observed, including lowered life expectancy, extrapyramidal effects on motor control, weight gain, decrease in brain volume, enlarged breasts and milk discharge in men and women (galactorrhea due to hyperprolactinaemia), lowered white blood cell count (agranulocytosis), involuntary repetitive body movements (tardive dyskinesia), diabetes, an inability to sit still or remain motionless (akathisia), sexual dysfunction, a return of psychosis requiring increasing the dosage due to cells producing more neurochemicals to compensate for the drugs (tardive psychosis), and a potential for permanent chemical dependence leading to psychosis much worse than before treatment began, if the drug dosage is ever lowered or stopped (tardive dysphrenia).

I knew how dangerous these drugs were and refused.

Just the side effect "lowered life expectancy" was enough to say NO.

The other drug he tryed to force on me at THE SAME TIME has these effects:

Nervous system effects have included dizziness (up to 49%), somnolence (up to 36%), headache (up to 32%), ataxia (up to 31%), nystagmus (up to 26%), abnormal gait (up to 17%), tremor (up to 16%), emotional lability (up to 8%), confusion (up to 7%), nervousness (up to 7%), anxiety (up to 7%), sedation (up to 6%), insomnia (up to 6%), amnesia (up to 5%), aggravated convulsions (up to 5%), abnormal thinking (up to 4%), abnormal coordination (up to 4%), tremor (up to 4%), hypoesthesia (up to 3%), speech disorder (up to 3%), dysmetria (up to 3%), abnormal coordination (up to 2%), confusion (up to 2%), cranial injury (up to 2%), agitation (up to 2%), impaired concentration (up to 2%), convulsions (up to 2%), and involuntary muscle contractions (up to 2%). Generalized tonic-clonic seizures following acute withdrawal have also been reported.

Also no way was I was not going to start taking a drug that when I stop I can get siezures!

My right to full informed consent regarding the medical legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis, the RISKS of psychiatric treatments, the RIGHT to all available medical alternatives, and the RIGHT to refuse any treatment considered harmful like it sais on the patient bill of rights was ignored.

I was given no medical tests at all, nothing to show the state of my body was defective and I needed this dangerous treatment.

I was violated mistreated and abused for profit by Peter Ventre MD psychiatrist and Fort Lauderdale Hospital.

Company: Peter Ventre MD Psychiatrist
Country: USA
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