Bipolar for dummies
Bipolar disorder for dummies This book was written to sell dangerous psychiatric drugs and treatment. My mother read this book and thought I was bipolar!

Health & Medicine

I have read this bipolar for dummies book that preys on people's need for empathy and their willingness to evade blame for their behavior by gently convincing them that they have a horrible biological disorder and that it is easily curable by 'mild' drugs that have 'no' harmful and/or 'no' permanent side effects.

Instead of telling them that the research does not show that there is a biological disorder, but only a limited success with treating the 'disorder' using biological means psychotropic drugs! And that there either ARE long term side effects LIKE LOWERED LIFE EXPECTANCY!

Real bipolar doesn't hide and have to be "detected" and found out!

They called it manic depression at first before drug companies and psychiatry renamed it bipolar.

This stupid book BIPOLAR FOR DUMMIES DOWNLOAD coupled with the eager willingness of many psychiatrists to prescribe psychotropic drugs makes for a very dangerous combination.

There is much deception in psychiatry, from seminars sponsored by large corporations which twist psychiatrists perceptions, to free samples given to psychiatrists which twist their prescription habits, to constant and repetitive advertising by pharmaceautical companies which engrains 'depression' and other illnesses in the minds of those who are subjected to THIS STUPID BOOK!

This retard book doesnt tell you:

The widespread practice of labeling children as "mentally ill" and drugging them with potent, mind-altering psychiatric drugs is affecting our future and our children's future.

This STUPID BOOK knows better on how to care for our children than we do?

Armed with the truth we can spare our children a drug-numbing childhood and a label that will follow them into a drug-consuming adulthood.

This book written by RETARDS didn't inform my mother that told people I may have bipolar this:

1. Psychiatric disorders are not medical diseases.

2. There are no lab tests, brain scans or "chemical imbalance tests" that can verify BIPOLAR!

3. People do get depressed and experience emotional or mental duress in life

4. PSYCHIATRY repackaged these emotions and behaviors as BIPOLAR in order to sell DRUGS.

When people tell me "I have chemical imbalance",

I say, "Show me your lab tests"!!!

There are no lab tests.

Company: Bipolar for dummies
Country: USA
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