Consumer Report


Retoxor claimed they would not charge my account until the product had been shipped so i checked my bank statement an there was a charge for 163.98 so i called the customer service to discover that they had canceled my shipment because they claimed to of have had contacted me for a shipment confirmation an the person they spoke with canceled because the product was to expensive. Bullshit i know exactly how much it was cause i bought it. So why would i cancel? The fact is i didn't they are full of it anyway my reason for calling them was to get a tracking number i never received and ended up getting some bullshit story i hope i get my money back an that they don't try to rob me any further.

Company: Retoxo
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Hoboken
ZIP: 07030
Address: 2-14th St PH 31
Phone: 8003014797
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