Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report


I also received a cashiers check in the mail. It was for $1550 and $1100 was supposed to be sent by western union to an address that you have to call and get from an 800# that is provided on the letter. I didn't deposit the check, I came online and found this site. Not very happy that it's a scam. Like everybody else, we really needed the money. Usually if it seems too good to be true, it is. The Canadian post mark did concern me when I noticed that the address on the letter was in New York. That just did not make sense. The bank that it is drawn on is in PA and really does exist, and though the check does look authentic, with the water marks and everything, but I am sure that it will not go through.

Company: Nielsen Research Group
Country: USA
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Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Inc
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Inc
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group
Consumer Report

TECHX Services
Consumer Report

Nielsen Research Group (third party scam using the Nielsen name)
Consumer Report