Consumer Report


When I saw their site, I tried one email before I signed (the site should give info frim all possible websites or from wherever else)- it showed that it would give me 79 (!) results. That looked pretty cool and useful in some cases. I googled "spokeo", but no scam links popped up, but only some OK links.
I paid $35 through paypal for the year membership. But after I signed up, the same email showed me ZERO (!) results instead of 79. Also I found zero results checking my own email, zero on telephone number that I know 100% is on public profile. I wrote them asking to return me money back, but looking at the reports here, I understand that I will never get my money back.
The only hope I have - that PayPal can reverse the payment, so I sent my request to PayPal.
It is scam web site.
It gave me one result on one more email, but only very old one, even though that email is on public website as used for work and should give at least one more result that I know already... What a scam, and how they exist... It was my mistake not to google "spokeo scam" or not to check on scam web sites...

Company: Spokeo
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pasadena
ZIP: 91105
Address: 556 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Suite 101-179
Phone: 8006994264, 8779133088
Site: spokeo.com
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Spokeo com
Spokeo.com, Spokeo Search results are false and even libelous, contain illegally-acquired information

Spokeo Incorporated
Does NOT comply with profile removal requests

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Spokeo e-mail finder

Spokeo people search Very inaccurate information

Do not waste your money on this frauds

Consumer Report

Spokeo is fraudulent and a scam

Consumer Report