Postage & missing item


Shipping was suppose to be free, due to the fact they put my physical address on package instead of the P.O.B. I got stuck paying $8.20 at the post ofc. Also one of the items that I ordered did not come with the other items a pair of scrub pants which are paid for. I would appreciate if I would hear back asap from the company concerning this problem.

Company: Tafford.com
Country: USA
Phone: 18888233673
Site: tafford.com
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Shipping & missing item

Safety Supply America
Postage, sizing & restocking fee rip-offs

Armynavydeals.com, Uncle Sams Army Navy Outfitters
Failed to send goods purchased and tried to blame USPS and Australia Post. New York

Riders Discount
Ridersdiscount.com Misleading Return Policy

Silkies Enriche
Sent product, billed me, for something I did not order

Is fake!

Nonexistent customer service!

VIP Couture - ebay
Sent back exspensive pants and ran with my money!

Consumer Report

TDW Closeouts
The Discount Warehouse, Items not as advertised, deny having control over what is in load Ripoff