Newt Grinch
I hate newt grinch with a passion the people in georgia are a bunch of pigs just like him all he does is cause drama he is a sorry excuse for a human being he will sell us out like all the other republics


Newt grinch is the most sorriest human being to ever lived. I still don't know how he thinks he can hold the highest office after he proved he is a corrupt immoral human being. He is the worlds biggest a*hole. He was ousted from his house speaker job & for good reason. I really hate all these republican a*holes.

Ron paul is no better then the rest of the nazi party. He told the tornado victims to fend for themselves, he is like most republicans don't have a "Heart" for people in need. A vote for ron paul would be a vote for another george w bush.

Because ron paul is from Texas.

Company: Newt Grinch
Country: USA
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Home Systems Dell's a real grinch

House Republicans
House Republicans trying to stifle the American Way

The State Of Alabama
Is the most corrupt state in the united states the republicans run the state and they mistreat the citizens of alabama i have been one of them they are criminals in the state government i'm tired of m

Merrill Lynch
Merrill Grinch Uneducated, Lack discipline, Lack knowledge of financial world, reactive in stead of proactive, Uncaring, Arrogant, Self Centered

Dick Cheney
Republicans need to bring some apologies republicans we all have a right of freedom of speech

Randy Reudrich Anchorage Alaska Randy Reudrich Anchorage Alaska Republican Party GOP ILLEGALLY CHEATS RON PAUL DELEGATES

Cottonwood Villas/Colorado Management Co
Reverse Mortgages

John Boehner
Speaker of the House is Willing to Hurt the Middle Class and 98% of Americans to Protect the Richest 2% & Protect his job. John Boehner cares NOTHING for AMERICA! Shame on him and ALL REPUBLICANS!

Yahoo! Inc
Republican Bias Is Paul Boes Or Aka, Paul Williams = Beware
PAUL BOES IS PAUL WILLIAMS Paul Boes or aka PAUL WILLIAMS has ripped off thousands of people and YOU are next! Google Paul Boes