Local Pages
Consumer Report


I received a letter from a collector that I owed $ 649.95 for a premium package. This was my first knowledge of this scam. The money was due on 11/10. I talked with them but never ordered any premium Package and never heard from them ever since. I never gave them information to create a premium package. Upon saying this to the collector he said he would refer me back to Local Pages as "requiring further legal action". Local pages is based in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Company: Local Pages
Country: USA
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Local Page
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages Prime
Consumer Report

Local US Pages / ACA Recovery
Consumer Report

Local US Pages / Local Page
Consumer Report

Local US Pages, ACA Recovery, Inc
Consumer Report

The Berry Company / for Windstream Yellow Pages
Local Insight Yellow Pages Auto-renewed at a higher rate without contacting me

Premium One - Premium One Benifit Services
Premium One aka Premium One Benefit Services They are like thieves in the night, wolves in sheeps clothing N

Your Yellow pages

Local US Pages And ACA Recovery
Consumer Report

The Official Yellow Pages - THompson Hill Publishing
The Offical Yellow Pages, now they want over $500