Schiel & Denver Self-Publishing
Consumer Report


Schiel & Denver promised me through my payment to them that my two books would be placed in brick and mortar stores after I paid the requisite $1,398.00. This did not happen. Our local Books-A-Million Bookstore did not even have my books in their computer system, let along physically in their store. They misrepresented their intent, took my fees, and failed to live up to their promise and responsibility.

Company: Schiel & Denver Self-Publishing
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
ZIP: 77043
Address: 10685-B Hazelhurst Dr., Suite #8575
Phone: 8886294449
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Schiel & Denver Publishing Limited
Consumer Report

Schiel & Denver Publishing
Consumer Report

Schiel & Denver Publishing
Consumer Report

Schiel & Denver Publishing Limited
Consumer Report

Schiel & Denver Publishing
Consumer Report

A1 Books
Beware A1 Books

Schiel & Denver Publishing Company
Consumer Report

Schiel & Denver Publishers
Communication Inept and Failure to Adhere to Professional Standards

PublishAmerica, PublishBrittanica, PublishIcelandica
Ripoff authors by misrepresenting services on their web site

United Circulation Magazine Sales
Paid for magazines that never came