EZ Eyes
Consumer Report


Ordered 1 for 14.95 plus 7.95 shipping and another keyboard for 7.75 plus 7.95 shipping (special discount). Now how does that come out to be 61.70, I hate scavenger websites like this. I'm not going to tolerate them anylonger!

Company: EZ Eyes
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
ZIP: 06494
Address: P.O. Box 3179
Phone: 8888112933
Site: getezeyeskeyboard.com
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EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes Keyboard
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

Getezeyes.com EZEyesKeyboard False advertising ScamOrderingPage
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZ Eyes
Consumer Report

EZEyes Keyboards
Consumer Report