Consumer Report


I'm so stupid! I signed up for free like everyone else on this site and with in a few minutes I was getting kinky messages from girls apparently in my area. Well, I know in my area these types of girls aren't just sitting around waiting desperately to talk to someone and have sex with them! I signed up anyway wanting to reply back to them at which point all communication stops after the scam has taken place! The old saying... If it sounds to good to be true, it ALWAYS is!!! I got scammed like the rest of you but, I managed to call my credit card company and the charge has been reversed and future charges blocked. Also, I did e-mail x-dating and had them cancel my account which they did actually do I think? Sites like this are like playing the lottery... You are hoping for the big score only to be separated from your money and left with your dick in your hand! HAHAHA. I have learned my lesson from this! Most of the time the only women you can actually meet have to be standing in front of you... Not in some remote on-line location far, far, away! Enough said.

Company: XDating
Country: USA
State: St. Kitts
City: Basseterre
Address: DG International, Amory Building, Victoria Road
Phone: 8883330285
Site: xdating.com
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Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Girls Date for Free
Consumer Report