Home Profit Center, Home Cash System
Consumer Report


After making this payment, rather than receiving email instructions, I was sent to another page which requested an additional $97.95. When I tried to access the data promised, the page simply wouldn't go anywhere. I could only reach the company through a phone number given to me by my bank. The first two times I called it the call just dropped (I was on a land line) before any business could be conducted. The Verizon operator tried to call the company and got no signal at all. Please don't deal with these incompetent "business" people.

Company: Home Profit Center, Home Cash System
Country: USA
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EZ Profit - EZ Money Coaching - EZ Dollar Club
EZ Money System when you follow the link to the website This company advertised making money from home and the charge for the information was to be $1.97 but then put through charges to my bank account for "Super google" of $78.14 and an "exchange fee" of

Data member or Credit Access
DATA MEMBER OR CREDIT ACCESS was made belived that by signing up i would receive information to work from home, instead a credit card website was created and nothing happened, i never received anyhting from this company and my ba